Monday, November 24, 2008

there's a new master

Sunday, November 23, 2008

the boy's dead

i apologize for your inconveniance

Saturday, November 15, 2008

bądź zdrowy

to wam zrobi dobrze

i'm so proud of my son

bring it oan, boy, bring it oan, tiger

the very first reason of the war in iraq

we got da oil, we got them money, goddamit


how was exxon established

tired of blowing?

modern technology of 20th century provides you with numerous solutions! you will not have to blow anyone and anything by yourself when you don't feel like to!

Just press... and blow!

Friday, November 14, 2008



the shadow

sikret organizejszyn

take drugs

fuck it all

that will be the day that i die

that's what they say in the south

Thursday, November 13, 2008

koureni zakazano

rauchen verboten

satan's parting

in my hair

fuck david lynch

who the fuck is david lynch

you almost did it...

you're almost there

the fence situation

4 wives

drink if you will. but expect this kind of situations.


the cultures blend with each other and learn from each other. here: german soldier in russian city of stalingrad, winter 1943

next time you're the puppet

and i'm the master

11listopada 1918, california. national bathsuit day



Was ist die langste Deutsche Wort?
Baumwolldamenunterwäschehandelsvertretergeschäftsw agengaragentorgequietsche!
75 buchstaben

kaiser wilhelm knew

oh he fucking did

tribute to oriana fallaci

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

szanowny panie prezesie.jestem w monte carlo. jeszcze tydzien. prosze. lesman.

O systemie Leśmiana mowa jest też we wspomnieniach Edwarda Kozikowskiego: “jego namiętnością – czytamy w nich – była ruletka, o której lubił mówić godzinami, zdradzając się z opracowywanych drobiazgowo planów rozbicia kasyna gry w Monte Carlo”.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

pamiątkowe zdjęcie z niepodległości

Ten pan ma na imię Walenty. Naprawdę.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

